HAIR CUTS - Wavy, Curly, Coily
All cuts are performed on dry hair, utilizing techniques I've learned from Head Shape Matters, The Deva Curl Academy, Curly Hair Artistry, The Raw Curls Academy, Rezo Cut Academy, Cut it Kinky and Joe Miguel Academy. Each curl is cut to optimize its unique pattern in relation to the curls around it. My aim is not to "tame" your curls, but to cultivate them and showcase their beauty!
Curly Cut with Transformation ~ $220 & up
You come to me with your curly hair clean and styled, with minimal product. I will perform a dry curly cut, a complete chelating/clarifying treatment, cleanse, conditioning/hydrating session and style along with coaching you through products, application techniques and my favorite tips and tricks, then your curls will be cut a second time to fine tune your style. Expect to spend 90-120 minutes with me.
Dry Cut with Hard Water Detox ~ $170 & up
This is a great place for us to begin. Hard water is a big issue here in AZ and a detox is as important as a great cut. You come to me with your curls clean and styled, with minimal product. I will perform a dry maintenance cut, not designed for big changes (more than 3 inches), and a Hard Water Wellness Detox. This is a maintenance service for returning clients and for new clients who are happy and confident with their styling skills. You will leave with your hair wet and ready to air dry. If you are looking for your hair to be styled please select the Transformation Service. Plan on spending 60 - 75 mins with me.
Express Dry Cut ~ $100 & up
You come to me with your curly hair clean and styled, with minimal product. I will perform a curly maintenance cut and a dry refresh. This is a maintenance service recommended for returning clients and is not designed for big changes (more than three inches). Expect to spend about 30-40 minutes with me.
Color services are not for first time guests. An in-person consultation or a discussion of your options during a previous appointment is required.
Express Color ~ $100 & up
For those who need a quick retouch on their new growth and can leave wet.
Post service Includes a purifing mask and treatment to preserve color, enhance shine, and promote managability.
Expect to spend 60 minutes with me.
Refresh Your look ~ $199 & up
For those who need a haircut with their new growth retouch, but prefer to save time and leave wet.
Post service Includes a purifing mask and treatment to preserve color, enhance shine, and promote managability.
Expect to spend 90 minutes with me.
Maintain Your Look ~ $249 & up
For those who want it all! New growth retouch,
haircut and leave the salon fully styled by me.
Post service Includes a purifing mask and treatment to preserve color, enhance shine, and promote managability.
Finished Style.
Expect to spend 2 hours with me.
Highlights $249 and up
For those who want to spice up their own haircolor with contrasting tones.
Post service Includes a purifing mask and treatment to preserve color, enhance shine, and promote managability.
Finished Style
Expect to spend 2 hours with me.
Between $50 and $100
All of my treatments are completely customized for your hair texture, porosity, and hydration level. Together, let's discuss this and make the most beneficial choices for the health of your curls.
Treatments available:
Hard Water Wellness Detox and Chelating
Malibu-C Crystal Gel Clarifying
InnerSense Organic Detox and Hydration